counselor talking with patient

Clinical Counseling

Discover psychotherapeutic techniques that encourage clients to overcome disability, 拥抱变化, 和经验 personal 成长th.

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MA in Clinical Counseling

Clinical psychology student

In this program you’ll develop skills and expertise in diagnosing, 治疗, and guiding individuals and groups as they work to overcome disability, 成长, and 拥抱变化. You’ll gain hands-on experience, counseling individuals who are struggling and get the training you need to become an outstanding clinical mental health counselor.

Meet Your 程序 Directors

dr. 大卫·保罗
System-wide 程序 Director and Associate Professor
加州 School of Professional 心理学
Director and Associate Professor
加州 School of Professional 心理学

State Licensure Requirements

Alliant International University has reviewed its programs to determine whether the programs meet the educational requirements for this licensure in varying states. While Alliant strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about licensure requirements, students are encouraged to contact their state’s licensing agency to verify license requirements as information may be subject to change without notice.

This information is provided in compliance with the U.S. Department of 教育 and the Code of Federal Regulations.



student holding a coffee

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